Reason for Starting a Blog1
In 2015, I assessed Trump as unqualified, and unfit to be president.
There is no university postgraduate, graduate, or undergraduate degree program that offers a degree qualifying one with the skills to be president.
Prior to that long shot of Trump 1.0 winning the election, past presidents have been governors of states, or legislators at the national or state level. Even Vice presidents have had some experience with government. Trump is the head of a family-owned business. He has never been CEO of a publicly traded large corporation with a board of directors.
Surviving “The Apprentice: White House – Wrecking Ball”. Trump 2.0 is about Trump’s destruction of America and her democracy. Putting it in his words, “You got to fight for your country, or you won’t have a country.”
Call to Action
Hold Trump’s feet to the fire on his campaign promises. He promised to lower grocery prices, gas prices, car/truck prices, inflation, housing prices. Grade him on appliances prices, budget deficit, car and truck prices, consumer goods, economy, energy, groceries, housing prices, inflation, interest rate, stock market, trade deficit, unemployment.
This is my blog with an extremely anti-Trump bias. If you agree that Trump is going to destroy America and Democracy, I’ll consider your contribution. I’ll probably have to make administration changes to accept multiple authors.
I’ve posted guidelines, rules, and the template for blog posts at: RalphHightower/blog Guidelines Policies Rules · Discussions · GitHub
This blog is built on Jekyll; the source code is available on GitHub at Jekyll. Documentation is in the docs/
folder. Guidance, rules, and policies are in the docs/
Issues can be created at Issues · RalphHightower/blog.
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Election Results
2024 Presidential Election Results – Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Candidate | Votes | Percentage | Electoral College |
Harris (D) | 75,017,613 | 48.32% | 226 |
Trump (T) | 77,302,580 | 49.80% | 312 |
(Difference) | 2,284,967 | 1.48% | 86 |
2020 Presidential Election Results – Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Candidate | Votes | Percentage | Electoral College |
Biden (D) | 81,283,501 | 51.31% | 306 |
Trump (T) | 74,223,975 | 46.85% | 232 |
(Difference) | 7,059,526.00 | 4.46% | 74 |
*Maine appoints its electors proportionally. Biden-Harris won in the First Congressional District and took the state; Trump-Pence won the Second Congressional District. Maine’s electoral votes were proportionally awarded accordingly: for President, Biden 3 and Trump 1; for Vice President, Harris 3 and Pence 1. **Nebraska appoints its electors proportionally. Trump-Pence won in the First and Third Congressional Districts and took the state; Biden-Harris won the Second Congressional District. Nebraska’s electoral votes were proportionally awarded accordingly: for President, Trump 4 and Biden 1; for Vice President, Pence 4 and Harris 1.
2016 Presidential Election Results – Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Candidate | Votes | Percentage | Electoral College |
Clinton (D) | 65,853,514 | 48.18% | 227 |
Trump (T) | 62,984,828 | 46.09% | 304 |
(Difference) | 2,868,686 | 2.09% | 77 |
*Hawaii does not appoint its electors proportionally. Due to faithless voting, the electoral votes for Hawaii were: for President, Clinton 3 and Bernie Sanders 1; for Vice President, Kaine 3 and Elizabeth Warren 1. Maine appoints its electors proportionally. Clinton/Kaine won in the First Congressional District and took the state; Trump/Pence won the Second Congressional District. Maine’s electoral votes were proportionally awarded accordingly: for President, Clinton 3 and Trump 1; for Vice President, Kaine 3 and Pence 1. ***Texas does not appoint its electors proportionally. Due to faithless voting, the electoral votes for Texas were: for President, Trump 36, Ron Paul 1, and John Kasich 1; for Vice President, Pence 37 and Carly Fiorina 1. **Washington does not appoint its electors proportionally. Due to faithless voting, the electoral votes for Washington were: for President, Clinton 8, Colin Powell 3, and Faith Spotted Eagle 1; for Vice President, Kaine 8, Elizabeth Warren 1, Susan Collins 1, Maria Cantwell 1, and Winona LaDuke 1.
I Am One Of the “Enemy Within”
I started my blog because I realized that maintaining my opinion/editorial page that Donald Trump Is a Fucking Idiot was going to be unwieldy to update and maintain. You may have a different opinion from mine. But the only person that can convince me that Trump is not a fucking idiot is Donald Trump himself. I probably won’t change your opinion or vote. Likewise, you won’t be able to change my assessment of Trump.
Prior to the November 5, 2024 presidential election, I had concerns for Democracy. Now, I have fears for Democracy. Fears that America won’t survive a second Trump term.
Both political parties fucked up in 2016.
- The Democrats chose Hillary because it was “her turn.”
- The Republicans chose the candidate, Donald Trump, that was, and still is, unfit and unqualified to be president.2
Both candidates were polarizing! Trump still is.
No, I do not have TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)3,4. I certainly never was a member of the Cult of Trump. Trumpers are infected with RTD5. My assessment of Trump hasn’t wavered from when he first announced his candidacy in 2015. He’s still a fucking idiot.
Trump’s actions following the 2020 election should have disqualified him from ever serving again. However, the Trumpers6 in the House and Senate chose “Party Over Country”
During Trump’s presidential campaigns in 2015 (primary), 2016 campaign and his presidency from January 20, 2017 through January 6, 2020’s provoked Insurrection, I assessed these critical character flaws of Donald Trump.
- Pathological lying
- Demagog7
- Hypocrisy8
- Immaturity9
- Temper10
- Narcissism11
- Pigheadedness12
- Grifter
- Obsessive-Compulsive Personality13
- Strong-Arm Dictator Wannabe14
- Cheat15
- Thief16
- Glory Hog17
- Blameshifter18
Donald Trump – The Reasons Against Him
January 10, 2024, Donald J Trump was convicted on thirty-four counts, with an unconditional discharge, for the falsification of business records related to paying “hush money” to porn star, Stormy Daniels, for an extramarital affair. No jail time. No probation. No fines or penalties. Nothing.
Donald Trump’s Serious Character Flaws
Trump’s character flaws preclude him from running anything other than his family-owned business. His character flaws precluded me from even considering him.
Apparently, stewing in his own venom and demons after losing the 2020 election has taken its toll on Trump’s mental facility. He has become more unhinged, losing focus, experiencing cognitive decline and dementia.
Trump Needs to Change His Behavior and Demeanor
- Tame your temper! Quit throwing Trumper Tantrums!
- Quit your pathological lying and tell the God-damned truth!
- Quit your God-damned gaslighting19!
- Start treating people with respect! I.e., quit that childish behavior of calling people names and acting like a school-yard bully.
- Be a true leader! A true leader recognizes team members, and subordinates for their accomplishment, and accepts the blame when things fail. A true leader does not use intimidation and fear.
- Quit your whining, “It’s not fair” Grow up and be an adult!
- Accept the fact that the president lives under a microscope. You will be praised by some and condemned others for your actions or inactions.
Trump keeps boasting that he is a highly intelligent person. As Brad Pitt said in the movie, Moneyball, “Show me the money!”. In Trump’s case, I say “Show me your Mensa test score!”. If you’re short on cash20, I’ll even pay the $99 for you to take the Mensa Admission Test.
But you more than likely won’t own up to my challenge to you. It’ll probably be for the same reason that you won’t reveal your Internal Revenue Service tax returns as presidents have done as past precedent. You’re afraid that revealing that information will prove that you are a fraud.
Constitutional Court Cases
There are two court cases that have not yet convened and must be decided because Trump’s behavior and actions following the 2020 presidential melection threaten the very fabric of our nation.
- Federal – Attempt to Overthrow the 2020 Election and the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.21
- State – Georgia. Strong-Arm Attempt to Falsify Their Election Result.
Damn! How the hell did Trump win?! Although the federal case will be winding down since the DOJ has some regulation that sitting presidents cannot be tried.
Donald Trump Is Guilty For Attempting To Overturn An Election And Instigating The January 6, 2021 Insurrection
Third Rate Game Show Host
I thought that it was a publicity when Trump announced that he was running for president. Trump has neither the qualifications nor the temperament to be president. My assessment has not wavered from 2016. America must not renew “The Apprentice: White House” for a second season.
“The Apprentice: White House” ended a tumultuous four year season ingloriously in January 2020, in an extraordinary low point in American history when thousands of far-right undesirables, Pride Boys, Zero Percenters and Oath Losers, lay siege on the US Capitol in a vain attempt of insurrection to overthrow a fair election.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
I also think that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas should be impeached because he is ethically financial challenged.
I freeze time; I photograph. I have 50++ years of computer programming and software development; most recently using C# and .Net. Athough I am retired from software development as a vocation, I am still active for personal projects. I have witnessed two final space flights: the US half of the Apollo/Soyuz Test Project, and Space Shuttle STS-135 Atlantis with the Final Four [CDR Chris Ferguson, PLT Doug Hurley, MS1 Sandra Magnus, MS2 Rex Walheim], as well as the final landing next to the control tower of the Shuttle Landing Facility (200 yards from the runway).
Photography is another creative endeavor that I have enjoyed since 1980. My first camera was the Canon A-1 which was an innovative camera for the 80’s, which I still use. I added one of my bucket list cameras in July 2013, a Canon New F-1 with the AE Finder FN and the AE Motor Drive FN. December 2013, I added a DSLR, the Canon 5D Mark III with the EF 24-105mm f4L. I enjoy photography period. It doesn’t matter if I am shooting film or digital.
I have more information on my website: Ralph Hightower — Website, as well as information that I want to use and that I am interested in.
Personality Tests
Test/Website | Result |
Top Gun Call Sign | Lt. Ralph ‘Tahoe’ Hightower22 |
Myers-Briggs Personality Test® | INTP23 |
CliftonStrength 34™ | Ideation | Deliberative | Learner | Input | Strategic Leaders with great Strategic Thinking strengths are the ones who keep us all focused on what could be. They are constantly absorbing and analyzing information and helping the team make better decisions. People with strength in this domain continually stretch our thinking for the future. |
Game of Thrones Personality Test24 | Primary Character: Mance Rayder25 Secondary Character: Ser Jaime Lannister26 Tertiary Character: Ygritte27 |
Where I Can Be Found
Content | Website |
CodeProject | RalphHightower |
RalphHightower (I spend more time on LinkedIn than I do on Facebook.) | |
GitHub | RalphHightower (Ralph Hightower) |
GitLab | RalphHightower |
GitLab | Permanent Vacations |
Google Dev | RalphHightower |
Gravatar | RalphHightower | | ralph-hightower |
IEEE Collabratec | RalphHightower |
LinkedIn Profile | RalphHightower (LinkedIn is where I spend the majority of my time.) |
Photography Portfolio (Flickr) | RalphHightower |
Stack Overflow | ralph-hightower |
YouTube | RalphHightower |
Authored Websites
RalphHightower | Description |
RalphHightower GitHub Repositories | Primary Website |
Azure-Resources | Useful Documents for Azure |
GM-Canada-OnStar-2G-Sunset | Canada sunsetted cellular CDMA 2G technology in 2015. GM Canada figured out how to retain OnStar functionality in affected vehicles without using a dongle like GM USA. Documents from [(US)29 National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA)]( |
Sushi | Right now, it’s a place for checklists for checking off sushi menu items in the Columbia, South Carolina metro area (Richland and Lexington counties)[^33]. |
SpaceShuttleMissionSchedule30 | NASA Space Shuttle Mission Schedule Transfer to Outlook Calendar |
RalphHightower/minimaUSCGamecockSandstorm | USC Gamecock Sandstorm theme derived from jekyll / minimaa, a one-size-fits-all Jekyll theme for USC Gamecock writers. [Production Ready] |
USC Gamecocks
USC — University of South Carolina |
USC — College of Engineering and Computing |
USC Alumni Association |
USC Gamecock Sports |
WUSC-FM 90.5 FM31 |
Carolina Band |
University Band |
Jazz Bands |
I am one of the “enemy within”. ↩
Trump meets the constitutional age requirement, but that’s saying little. Plus Trump is dementia-ning! Talking about Arnold Palmer’s balls, no it’s not Titlist; it’s that part of the anatomy that LPGA pros don’t have. ↩
Trump’s sycophants, acolytes, and cul members, are just as infantile as Trump with his name calling and labeling. ↩
@RalphHightower: Since Trumpers have their TDS for us, I created the “Rabid Trump Disease” for them. Either that, or Trump Cultists. ↩
The Republican Party died July 2016 when it chose Trump as its candidate for president. ↩
demagog • Merriam-Webster:
variants: or less commonly demagog
Definition (Entry 1 of 2)
: a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power2: a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times↩ -
Trump whines, “It’s not fair! Biden has weaponized the Justice system against me!” Yet, when he gets into office the second time, he’s going to direct the Department of Justice to target his political enemies, and the enemies within. ↩
That childish behavior of calling people names. ↩
Two words. Trumper Tantrums ↩
Flattering Trump allows one to manipulate Trump. Vladimir Putin is former KGB. He knows how to control Trump. ↩
Absolute, total, fucking, lacking, devoid of ability or willingness to compromise.
There is no ability to work towards a win-win situation; which could become a lose-lose scenario.
With Trump, it is “I win. You lose.” ↩ -
People with OCPD may have a preoccupation with order, perfectionism, and control. They may also have the following traits:
• Perfectionism: They may demand perfection in all tasks, which can lead to missed deadlines.
• Preoccupation with details: They may be preoccupied with lists, rules, and order.
• Lack of flexibility: They may be unwilling to compromise or allow others to do things.
• Difficulty working with others: They may have difficulty delegating tasks or working with others unless they can do things exactly as they want.
People with OCPD may have a preoccupation with order, perfectionism, and control. They may also have the following traits:
• Perfectionism: They may demand perfection in all tasks, which can lead to missed deadlines.
• Preoccupation with details: They may be preoccupied with lists, rules, and order.
• Lack of flexibility: They may be unwilling to compromise or allow others to do things.
• Difficulty working with others: They may have difficulty delegating tasks or working with others unless they can do things exactly as they want.
• Difficulty coping with criticism: They may have difficulty coping with criticism and may over-focus on flaws in others. ↩ -
Trump admires strong-arm dictators, Hungary’s Viktor Orbàn, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, North Korea’s Kim Jun-Un. ↩
Trump cheats on:
• wives
• taxes – personal income
• personal property tax
• real estate property tax
• corporate income
• financial loans
• insurance
• golf
• elections (tries to) ↩ -
I’d call it thievery when one pays less than the agreed upon contracted price for goods or services. It was in Wikipedia or a news story on the web that Trump paid something like 30% for several grand pianos for his casinos.
It’s like I buy a Ford truck priced at $100,000 and I tell the dealer, “It’s a good truck, but it’s not worth $100,000. I’ll pay you $30,000 for the truck.”. ↩ -
Unlike a true leader who praises his/her team for their successes a glory hog steals all the congratulations with &”I did that!”* ↩
Another trait of a true leader is accepting responsibility for when things go wrong. Unlike Trump’s “It’s not my fault. It’s the [insert target here].” ↩
gaslighting – Merriam-Webster: noun<br /gas·light·ing | \ gas-lī-tiŋ , -lī- <br />Definition (Entry 1 of 2)
1: psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator
//Gaslighting can be a very effective tool for the abuser to control an individual. It’s done slowly so the victim writes off the event as a one off or oddity and doesn’t realize they are being controlled and manipulated.
— Melissa Spino
//Gaslighting can happen in any relationship circumstance, including between friends and family members—not just in couple relationships.
— Deena Bouknight
//This is a classic gaslighting technique—telling victims that others are crazy and lying, and that the gaslighter is the only source for “true” information. It makes victims question their reality …
— Stephanie Sarkis
2: the act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for one’s own advantage
//Election season can create emotions spanning from immense anxiety all the way to extreme apathy. The public arguing, divisiveness, and competition for votes, including political gaslighting, can be overwhelming and exhausting.
— Vernita Perkins and Leonard A. Jason
//As the midterm elections approach, Americans have gotten an earful both about crime itself and how the other side is distorting the news about it for political gain. “Cherry-picking!” “Fearmongering!” “Gaslighting!”
— Chris Herrmann and Fritz Umbach
//Intense gaslighting techniques are making it difficult for Montana’s commoners to discern what’s truth and what’s propaganda.
— Steve Kelly
//This corporate gaslighting effectively blames children for being addicted to social media and conveniently ignores how companies have intentionally designed their products to have addictive features …
— Nancy Kim ↩ -
@RalphHightower: I cannot fathom why a billionaire, as you claim, is short on cash, but apparently you are since you refused to pay Grand Rapids, Michigan for providing additional security of police overtime and the venue rental expenses. ↩
Federal prosecutor, Jack Smith, layed out compelling, iron-clad indictments revised for Trump, the citizen running for reelection, and not then President Trump, where he would, and did claim presidential immunity; the Supreme Court directed Smith to not include presidential duties. I cannot bring myself to strike through his federal case. ↩
People with INTP preferences are quiet, thoughtful, and analytical. They tend to put a great deal of consideration into everything they do. INTPs are generally easygoing and genuine. They might seem to “zone out” from time to time while they consider new concepts or explore how something works. They are often happiest laying low and working hard behind the scenes. While they may seem impersonal with people they don’t know well, they like to have a close group of people they open up to. They are naturally adept at building structural models or coming up with new concepts for solving problems. They tend to see the world as a system that can be analyzed, and this is how they approach just about everything in life.
• 4.8% of the population • 5.8% of men • 4.0% of women •
× analytical × conceptual × logical ×
× quiet × independent × easygoing ×
× complex × driven × curious ×
× questioning × methodical × values competence ×
× self-critical × thoughtful × innovative ×
× problem solver × reflective × autonomous × ↩ -
I had to Google the GOT Personality Test. Oh, I don’t subscribe to HBO, so all I know of Game of Thrones is that’s it’s sorta like King Arthur set in medieval times.
I took the GOT Personality Test. I saw that reference in a LinkedIn news article about using personality tests to get the right balance of different personalities. I think using a personality test to determine employment is a form of discrimination and I use that rather strictly because there’s race discrimination and gender discrimination. ↩ -
Primary Character: Mance Rayder
Nickname: King Beyond the Wall
Traits: Inspiring, Formidable, Pioneer
Your primary character is Mance Rayder. You are a charismatic, calm, and determined man with strong leadership qualities. You tend to rise quickly through the ranks of any organization you enter. You have good social and diplomatic skills, allowing you to collaborate with many different types of people. You have an honest yet stern persona which earns you respect and admiration of those around you. You are very trusting which can be your greatest weakness. You value freedom above all else. ↩ -
Secondary Character: Ser Jaime Lannister
Nickname: The Kingslayer
Traits: Arrogant, Sarcastic, Apathetic
Your secondary character is Ser Jaime Lannister. You are charming and capable of impeccable politeness in the right circumstances. In the wrong circumstances, others perceive you to be disdainful, sarcastic and arrogant. However your arrogance may just be confidence, as you excel in a number of areas, including intelligence. You don’t mock others over minor failings but you are usually very blunt. You typically just say what you are thinking without regard to the feelings of those that you perceive as incompetent. You regard ruthlessness as a virtue and behave in an unapologetically amoral way. You’re not politically ambitious and sly maneuvering is not your way. ↩ -
Tertiary Character: Ygritte
Nickname: Ygritte
Traits: Wild, Uncoventional, Determined
Your tertiary character is Ygritte. You are brave and unconventional. You have a mind of your own and prefer not to conform with the demands of societu’re cunning and value freedom above all else. You’re loyal, but also very passionate and you follow to your heart much more than your head. You live a very fulfilled life, chasing your dreams but this sometimes causes others to mistrust you although you have little enmity in your heart. ↩ -
As of April 27, 2023, I deactivated my Twitter account based on this Elon Musk tweet:
@ElonMusk: Anyone making materially false statements on this platform will get Community Noted, including you, me, Tucker, advertisers, head of state, etc. No exceptions.
Convince the people and let the chips fall where they may.
@RalphHightower: Seriously? Yet you welcomed back a pathological liar, Donald Trump, who incited and welcomed violence in an attempted coup d’état on January 6 in the storming of the U.S. Capitol. Twitter has gone to HELL! ↩ -
@RalphHightower: The Columbia metro area probably encompasses a larger area than those two counties, but Lexington and Richland are as far as we are willing to drive. Plus, crossing the Broad River to the Northeast area of Columbia is a farther distance. I’ve included Sandhills Shopping Center since we would eat there after meeting with our financial advisor when he was located out that way. ↩
Support ended with wheelstop of Space Shuttle Atlantis on July 21, 2011 with the end of the Space Shuttle fleet. ↩
WUSC-FM was an AM Radio 📻 broadcast station when I was a student. ↩