Bless His Heart – Dementia Part 2: Trump forgets there was no debate audience, claims crowd "went crazy"

“Delusional and unsettling”: Trump forgets there was no debate audience, claims crowd “went crazy”

Published September 19, 2024 10:14AM (EDT) By Nicholas Liu News Fellow

Appearing on Fox News, the 78-year-old Republican claimed that he won over an audience that did not exist.

Not only is Trump forgetting what the question was when he veers off topic and starts answering with gibberish, but he is now seeing people where there are none.

Faux News did not bother to correct Trump that there was no studio audience as agreed upon by ABC New and both the Harris campaign and the Trump campaign.

Former President Donald Trump appeared on a taped segment of Fox News’ “Gutfeld!” Wednesday, complaining once again that the ABC News debate moderators bothered to fact-check him while falsely claiming that the debate audience “went crazy”1 for his performance. Host Greg Gutfeld chose not to fact-check Trump over the fact that there was no debate audience whatsoever, per the rules set by ABC News and agreed to by both campaigns.

“They didn’t correct her once,” Trump complained, referring to Vice President Kamala Harris. “And they corrected me, everything I said, practically. I think nine times or 11 times. And the audience was absolutely — they went crazy.”

MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes argued that the Republican candidate’s remark validated concerns about his age and mental capacity.

“Trump talking about ‘the audience’ at the debate (where there famously was no audience) is more delusional and unsettling than any moment of Joe Biden misspeaking all year and it’s not close,” Hayes wrote on social media.

About that scorecard tally of lies:

Presidential Nominee Total Number of Lies/Falsehoods
Donald Trump 33, at least
Kamala Harris 1, at least1

Fact check: Donald Trump, Kamala Harris debate on ABC News / CNN Politics By CNN Staff 38 minute read Updated 11:57 AM EDT, Wed September 11, 2024

  1. The one falsehood he highlighted for Harris was her claim that “Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression”; the unemployment rate in January 2021, while high by modern standards, was the worst to begin a presidential term in the last 20 years, not since the 1930s.  2

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