GitHub/SEO Resources

SEO Resource Definitions

SEO Resources Description - is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.
JSON-LD - JSON for Linking Data Data is messy and disconnected. JSON-LD organizes and connects it, creating a better Web.
JSON-LD Playground Play around with JSON-LD markup by typing out some JSON below and seeing what gets generated from it at the bottom of the page. Pick any of the examples below to get started.
jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag: GitHub • A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site’s content. A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site’s content.
jekyll-seo-tag • A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site’s content.

Ruby Gemfile Interfaces for GitHub Paga

| _config.yml • jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag: GitHub | Description | |—|—| | title | Your site’s title (e.g., “Ben’s Awesome Site, The GitHub Blog, etc.”), used as part of the title tag like “Home / Ben’s Awesome Site.” | | tagline | A short description (e.g., A blog dedicated to reviewing cat gifs), used as part of the title tag like “Ben’s Awesome Site / A blog dedicated to reviewing cat gifs” instead of Ben’s Awesome Site Long description about a blog dedicated to reviewing cat gifs that would be used when page.title is not defined. | | description | A longer description used for the description meta tag. Also used as fallback for pages that don’t provide their own description, and also as part of the page’s title tag if neither page.title nor site.tagline has been defined. | | url | The full URL to your site. Note: site.github.url will be used by default. | author | global author information (see Advanced usage)